New Website, New Focus

Hey all,

If you’ve been around for a while, you might notice a major redesign to my website. If not, there have been major changes. Take a look around. I have more content coming. Let me know what you think. Suggestions and constructive criticism welcome :)

Why the new site?

The old site was just this blog. That was great but now that I’m going to be producing more books, I wanted to feature the books more than my blog. You’ll notice the site is reorganized to be more of a portfolio than a blog. This is also because in recent reflections, I’ve grown to value my techie nature even more and look forward to sharing more about that to the writing community.

New Books coming

I am very excited about a few new books coming soon! The one arriving soonest (?) is [dis]connection. The first of the Pandora Project series. I’m super excited about this book and hope you will be too. Here’s the working blurb:

Friendless, depressed and isolated 15-year-old Erin finds an experimental 3d printer that lets her make a friend; but when her creation turns violent and threatens Erin's friends and family, Erin must discover the power of friendship and her own self-worth before her creation takes everything, including her life.

This is a YA (just beyond MG) novel-in-verse techno-thriller. The main character, Erin, is a computer genius who turns to technology to solve all her problems. This includes solving her loneliness problem when she creates a new friend: Umu. As Erin tries to figure out this whole “friend thing”, Umu starts getting a little weird as 3d printed Artificial Intelligence driven creations tend to do. As Erin makes a human friend, Caylee, the friendship triangle pushes the three into a life of death power struggle. If that isn’t enough, there’s a shadowy organization trying to get their 3d printer back, hunt down and kill Umu.

Lots of action with an eclectic cast of characters that one early reader called: “The misfits I remember from high school.”

This book is for young women who love tech and want some adventure without some guy getting in the way.

I’ll be looking for ARC readers soon if you’re interested, leave your email below. I have a special email list that is JUST for ARC readers. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE THE NEWSLETTER but you will be on my list for arcs in the future.

Other books

It’s looking like there might be 2 other books coming this year but we’ll see. Stay tuned here for more information. One is a novel-in-verse for New Adult and the other is a YA diary format. If you’ve been following my posts for a while now, you probably know which books these are. If not, then stay tuned and find out.

Facebook Messenger Stories

I experimented with creating CYOA type stories in Facebook Messenger. The current stories are drafts but I think you can see where I’m going. More information can be found on this project in my new Tech Portfolio Page or you can just try it out here.

I’d love your feedback if you try it out. The process to do this is pretty low tech and simple. If you’d like to experiment with me, let me know and we can chat about it. I’m not selling this right now, just inviting people to have a conversation and talk about potential project ideas. Leave a comment and express your interest if you’d like to discuss further.

Finally, a poem for the changes

To close out this poetry Friday post, I’m going to share a poem about change.

I know I can’t draw eyes
my daughter said,
and now her pictures
come to life with feelings
brighter than stars,
deeper than space.

I know I can’t shoot baskets
my daughter said,
and now she dunks
over all the boys
and teachers
and teams.

I know I can’t read well
my daughter said,
and now she writes
horror stories that chill
the fans of Stephen King.

What can’t she do next?
she can?


Thanks for hosting Poetry Friday Laura Purdie Salas. Make sure to check out her blog and the many amazing poets on the feed. Thanks also to Pixabay for the cover image.

See you soon!

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