2021 : Enough

Every year I think about “the word of the year” and for me, for 2021, that word is:


2021 is the year when many people had enough.

For some people, it was having enough at work to say “I’m out.” This became known as the Great Resignation which tore many, if not most, companies away from their normal operations to backfill talent - if they could. Many businesses are struck with drastic staffing shortages which is leading to massive impacts on the supply chain. If you had a Christmas gift late this year, chances are it was supply chain related and that occurred due to a lack of humans to move stuff through the supply chain. People having enough in their job to seek new opportunities has a ripple effect across all aspects of life.

For some people, they had enough of COVID-19. They want to be done and have started seeing their family again and going to social events. Now that the latest variant flared up, people worry about what’s next. Whatever it is, I don’t think another lockdown would be an option because people have had enough and aren’t going to go for it.

More and more this year I heard from friends and colleagues who had enough and opted out of the workforce. They started their own business or are taking a gap year and living off their savings for a while. These people have taken a very different route in life than what was acceptable just a few years ago. Many employers I talk to now don’t have issues with gaps in a resume and respect people who tried to do their own thing. These types of workers “show initiative” now-a-days. I guess they always did but gaps in the resume was always a red flag until now.

What about for me?

Enough for me was about saying to myself: “you’ve waited long enough now get off your ass and do something”. That something manifested in a few ways.

BLOTS was launched as the first product from my company Making Adventure.

Making Adventure also launched. This company was originally invented in 2018-ish but just this year did I make it a reality. I don’t have a website for Making Adventure yet but don’t worry, that’s coming in 2022.

Making Adventure logo with Hello World statement.

I also had enough of waiting to write the perfect story for a few of my books. The ideas are baked enough and receiving good feedback from so many people that I’m moving forward with them.

I’m planning my editorial calendar for 2022 in books and not just blog posts. That’s exciting.

So, what’s planned for 2022?

Let’s talk about it:

[dis]connection (YA - Novel - Dark Fantasy / Tech Horror)

Friendless, depressed and isolated Erin finds an experimental 3d printer that lets her make a friend; but when her creation turns violent, Erin must discover the power of friendship and her own self-worth before her creation takes everything, including her life.

bibliophile (Adult - Novel - Dark Fantasy / Action Adventure)

On the verge of discovering an uncontrollable new power, psychically gifted loner Beatrix Clark finds a portal to another dimension where her powers are amplified with the help of an ancient book; but when Beatrix discovers the power in the book has its own agenda, she must team up with her social media influencer roommate to control her powers before her powers control her.

The Diary of Jenny Fields (YA - Novella - Dark Fantasy / Horror)

Processing her parents impending divorce with a new diary, Jenny Fields discovers a book that has all the answers she needs to change her life; but after an accident that damns the soul of a boy in her school, Jenny must face the person she has become before the book consumers her soul next.

NOTE: This story is the prequel and sequel to SIGNATURE which is included in BLOTS.

Tales from 73 Fallen Avenue (YA/Adult - Flash Collection - Horror)

Ever walk into a house and know there are ghosts there? 73 Fallen Avenue is such a place. Here, everything has a story - and they all are hauntingly horrible. From the Christmas Tree (The Elf Who Fell) to the garage (Life Changing Yard Sale), nowhere is safe within the walls of 73 Fallen Avenue.

Note: This collection will come in some experimental formats. More to come on that throughout 2022.

Now, again, the keyword is PLANNED. [dis]connection, bibliophile and the Diary of Jenny Fields are in various draft forms. Tales from 73 Fallen Avenue is in early production but I want to share it here as a stretch goal for 2022. If there is one of these that really speaks to you let me know. Projects with the most interest get higher priority.

We’ll see if this is enough to keep me busy throughout 2022.

Now, let’s do something fun for this end of the year post.


Photo from Valerie Boltneva on Pexels (https://www.pexels.com/@valeriya)

Burned Out

“I’m turning in my resignation.”
Handing my letter over,
hoping the coffee stains aren’t too

“You can’t quit.”
My boss says.

“I appreciate that-”

“No, you can’t quit being a demon.”
My boss pushes the letter back to me.
”Azoth, you’ve been a demon for what,
10,000 years?”

I nod, conceding that fact.

“You’ve only ever been a demon.
You were born a demon,
you’ve destroyed cities and
feasted on cattle, both bovine and human.”
My boss leans back in his chair
folding his arms behind his horned head.
”This is all you can do.”

I straighten up,
remembering the words I practiced last night
in the mirror at that haunted house.

Smiling a moment,
I remember the kids who caught me
They thought they summoned me
with their silly pretend magic,
it happens more than you would think.

Sometimes us demons just need a break
and some human is trying to summon us
and it just gets real awkward
but that’s not the point.

“Sir, I’ve been really thinking about my life
and I am ready to chase my passion.”

“Eating humans?”

“No. Making cupcakes.”
I nod to highlight my point.
”Specifically, cupcakes for retirement parties.
I’ve already got the business license.”

My boss doesn’t say anything.

“FreedomCakes sir.”
I say.

He shakes his head confused
and I clarify,
”Sorry, my cupcake business is named

He still looks confused.

“Because when you retire you-”

“No, I get it but that’s a terrible name.
And, you’re a demon. You should be burning
and destroying
not baking
and decorating.”
My boss leans forward,
steeples his claws.
”Is this a mid-life thing because you know,
Azoth you’re immortal?”

“No sir, not a midlife thing,
I’m just seeing what the humans are doing
with the Great Resignation and just it got me thinking.”
I turn from him, pacing just like I practiced last night.
”What do I want in life?”

He shrugs.

“I want more making cakes, improving lives, less destroying lives.”

“You are a DEMON!”
My boss says with wonder. It’s obvious to him
but he doesn’t see that maybe I could be more.

“Well, not anymore.”
I hand him my resignation again.
Nodding to show finality.

“Fine. Don’t think you’re coming back.
I can replace you tomorrow.”
He barks. Smiles. Leans back.

“Good luck with that.
Have you seen the candidate market lately?”

As I walk out, Dolus the Devourer sees me
and asks what happened.
I tell him.

He asks me if I’ll be hiring
and he thought
FreedomCakes was a great name.

Special thanks for our cover photo to Markus Winkler from Pexels. Also, thanks to Carol for hosting Poetry Friday. Please check out Carol’s blog here: http://carolwscorner.blogspot.com/

Happy New Year to everyone! I hope that you’ve had a wonderful 2021 full of learning, love and life.

Until next time dear reader, happy holidays and remember…if you have had enough of something and are wondering if you’re idea on what to do next is any good just remind yourself that someone once pitched a movie about Sharks in a tornado and that their idea not only was approved, it went on to make 6 movies, 2 spin offs and generated millions of dollars for the creators.

So, whatever your idea, no matter how out there…go for it. You might have the next Sharknado…or Lavalantula (yep, that’s real too).